Barrett Supports Our National Guardsmen and Military Reservists

Date: April 21, 2004
Location: Washington, DC

Barrett Supports Our National Guardsmen and Military Reservists

We live in a different world than we did just 3 years ago. We now know our borders are not secure and the oceans no longer protect us from the rest of the world. Enemies in the past needed great armies and great industrial capabilities to endanger America. Now, terrorists are organized to penetrate open societies and turn the power of modern technologies against us.

To defeat this threat we MUST and WILL use every tool available to us - better homeland defense, law enforcement, intelligence, vigorous efforts to cut off terrorist financing and military power.
There is no doubt that our National Guardsmen and Reservists have been a large part of our military power since September 11th. The members and their families have sacrificed a lot in the last 2 plus years. That is why I worked closely with Representative Beauprez to come up with a way to ease the financial burdens placed on our guard and reservist families while they serve their country.

H.R. 1779 will allow military reservists and national guardsmen to make penalty-free withdrawals from IRAs if they have been called to an extended period of active duty service of more than 179 days. Reservists and guardsmen will then be able to repay these withdrawals penalty free within two years after the end of duty.

It is my hope that this legislation will give some relief to the families who sacrifice on a day to day basis in so many ways to ensure our national security and defend our freedom. H.R. 1779 is just one way our nation can thank them for what they do every day. My thoughts and prayers remain with those who stand in harms way - May God Bless Each of Them.
